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Aug 26, 2023
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Thank you my dear. I guess I could have thought of it as ICM. One of the few techniques I don’t really practice. I’m glad I still enjoy this craft. It doesn’t seem like it everyday but in my heart it’s what I enjoy.

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Hi Brandon, Like this article. we all have missed opportunities. In fact, that's what my topic 'Un/Taken' is all about, the photo you did not take.

And of the photos we do take, some of them will be off, out-of-focus, blurry, under/overexposed, whatever. That's fine, 'cause we'll learn from them. I remember some sort of a photo bomb happening to me which initially ruined the portrait, but after all, now the photo hangs on the wall in my office.

Like that you've shared these junk photos in this post.


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Thank you Marcel.

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Really loved this. Sometimes the “mistakes” can have more impact than the perfectly taken picture. Great post.

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Thank you Glenn!

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This topic is really cool! Thanks for sharing Brandon!

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Interesting topic! I have a lot of them photos too (note to myself i should write a post as well on the subject 😉). Looking back in my own archive I often notice photos that catch my attention but didn't at the time.

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