Do you remember a time when winter used to be pretty? Those days when after the chaos, the world turned into this beautiful landscape of snow and ice.
I’ve spent my entire life in Canada and have experienced some form of snow or ice for as long as I can remember. And yet, as the years pass, the memories of a beautiful and serene snowfall seem to get less and less.
The photos in this series are taken from several years ago. Back when I actually enjoyed taking winter photos. For me to try to take these again, might make me question my sanity.
The images below were taken near Thompson, MB while I was there on business. The winters there can be brutally cold and equally beautiful if you are brave enough to head out.
The three images below were taken not long after a severe ice storm had ravaged eastern Ontario in my hometown. Utility crews were called from all over the area (including the US) to help restore power over the course of weeks. While the storm brought absolute chaos, the ensuing days showed just how beautiful it could be afterwards (no the sky was not really that color, I was playing around with it at the time).
This last photo is one of my absolute favourites. The layers of ice and snow give it the appearance of a Master teaching their Apprentice (hence the title) as they are surrounded by fellow Disciples. There is mystery in what is being taught and is something only the participants will know.
I hope you enjoyed these photos from my past. It’s been a while since I’ve actually enjoyed taking pictures in the snow. Perhaps I’ll venture out again, one day.
“To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold."
- Aristotle
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Beautiful images! We had some uncharacteristically deep snow in Shetland recently and I love how it changes the landscape into a wonderland.
The last shot is just stunning! Growing up in Australia, I didn't see snow until I was about 30 years old, so it's still kind of a novelty to me. It totally transforms the landscape and as my husband says, snow hides the misery of winter.