Waiting For Inspiration To Hit Me Like A Ton Of Bricks
But instead, it snuck right past the guards.
What does it mean to wait for inspiration? For that moment when something just comes to you. Do we know what it feels like? Do we know how to recognize the signs when it is approaching?
A lot of Artist’s will wait for that moment, that bout of inspiration to hit them that will allow them to pick up a brush, an instrument or a camera. I think a lot of times it comes when you’re observing life in progress, reading a story or listening to something of interest. In the meanwhile, we spend the rest of our time doing other things or making what we feel is mediocre material.
When it does come, it can stay with us for a while. It can stay until we finish our project or sometimes, it stays only for a short vacation until it’s ready to leave again. We never actually want it to leave, but inevitably it does. And just as quickly as it came, it leaves.
Sometimes we go looking for it. We go looking for something that is supposed to give us that little rush of creativity that is supposed to last us throughout the day.
Lately, it hasn’t been one of those things that I have found. But then there are other times when it came and went without a whisper. And stored itself in my camera without me even knowing it was there.
I didn’t even see it coming. No evidence that something was supposed to happen. And yet, it did. It happened when my wife and I were just enjoying a nice morning together. When there were no expectations. Just a few random photo’s to solidify our memories of a place we visited. A conversation over tea and coffee, nothing more.
A cozy corner of a coffee shop. Someplace to chat and admire the surroundings. Someplace that we could talk about life. Taking photo’s was not the primary goal of our conversation. In fact, it wasn’t even really a part of the plan. But one can always hope right?
When we were done, I put the camera away and didn’t think of it for a few days. The most memorable part of that day wasn’t the photographs, but the meaningful time that we had together. The conversations, the one on one time that we shared.
When it came time to look at the photographs on the camera, I found something. Something that I wasn’t looking for. Not just inspiration, but a memory. Something that reflected how we felt that day. These memories that had snuck into my camera without announcing themselves. Not just any ordinary photographs, but ones that contained that essence of us that day. Inspiration.
“Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.”
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
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If I go out with my camera without any pressure and expectations, I often create the best work.