Let’s be honest, Substack today isn’t the same as it was a year ago. There’s an enhanced app now, they added a Notes feature and a host of other features that I can’t even remember. Most of it in an effort to gain users from other social media platforms and make it a viable option for those looking for a switch, but keeping some of the same features that keep people hooked on those other places.

When I came to Substack, I came with the intent on creating a newsletter. A long (or long-ish) form type of document that I could use to write about things that had meaning to me. Something more than what IG or X (ie. Twitter) could offer. And for a while, I also used it as a means of getting my photo’s out there. But having seen the changes, I’m seeing it become more and more of a social platform rather than a collection of newsletters. I get the need to appeal to the masses, but why is it so hard to find something that just does what it was meant to do, rather than trying to steal from other platforms? So I choose to ignore these features, because they have no meaning to me. They might be of use to other people, but to me, I left those other platforms because of it. I honestly wish Substack would let me ignore all of these features and give me a stripped down version where I don’t even have to see the extra stuff.
So then what? Will Substack get to a point where I no longer recognize it or want to even use it because it’s lost what it inherently tried to start with? Perhaps, but I hope not. I accept that change is good, but sometimes change isn’t necessary if all you are trying to do is be like someone else. Change is good when what you are trying to do is to truly improve yourself for yourself and not someone else. When you know why you are doing it and that the reason you are doing it is for the betterment of something tangible. If you only have profit in mind, then I feel you’re doing it for the wrong reasons and it comes across as shallow. I hope this doesn’t come across as me sounding like some old fart who can’t accept change (LOL!) because I can. I just don’t see the value in some of the changes Substack has made this past year. In the end, Substack is a tool. If that tool no longer fits my needs, then I will have to find a new tool, but it doesn’t mean it won’t work for other people and their needs.

So as we approach the end of another year and with the hopes of New Year’s resolutions and potential change, make sure you look at what you are wanting to change. Make sure you are doing it for the right reasons, and I mean dig deep. Keep asking yourself why until you get to the real reason. Maybe by that point, what you are trying to change isn’t what you wanted at all and then you end up with a better outcome.
Happy New Year.
“Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values"
- Dalai Lama
Thank you for taking the time to stop by.
This newsletter will always be free. Why? Because these days, not everyone can afford a paid subscription and who wants to be nickel and dime’d to death?
But if you do have the means, I can always use a cup of coffee to help me keep writing and creating.
Thank you!
I partially agree. Like a lot of the improvements Substack have done this year, but it is indeed turning into another social app. Still a lot of these functionalities can be ignored or turned of. Hope to enjoy your newsletters in 2024! Happy New Year.
I started on Substack in October of this year so for me all the 'social network features' where already part of the experience so to speak :) However, apart from Notes (but only occasionally), I try to ignore all of these extra features. My focus is about learning to write long-form(-ish) posts which I schedule for publishing and also send out as a newsletter. This is what I like about Substack and how I want to use it. So, as long as this does not change I'm good with it. But I guess time will tell ...