It’s taken me this long to muster the strength to write a post. Not for a lack of wanting, simply a lack of desire. As much as I enjoy photography, these past few years, my heart hasn’t really been into it.
And because I don’t have any other social media outlets, I’ve found that I’m even less compelled to post anything. But my time hasn’t exactly been wasted.
Near the end of the summer, my wife and I took a trip to Colorado. Up until this point, I’d been focusing on my physical health and working to get myself into better shape. And with work and life, the desire to shoot anything had fallen by the wayside. But I was excited about this trip. And at first, I thought I was excited to photograph something that I loved to shoot. Mountains.
But as I photographed scene after scene, a lot of it became a blur. I wasn’t just enjoying the act of taking pictures, I was enjoying the act of being in the mountains. The act of hiking and the challenge that a little altitude could create. I wasn’t hiking around to find the right photo, I was hiking around because I enjoyed the experience and the photo would come as a result.
Photography would become second fiddle to the experience. And I was OK with that. For so long I used my trips as a means of inspiring myself to shoot beautiful things first and to experience them second. As I would soon learn, this trip was the complete opposite.
I went to Colorado in the hopes of finding inspiration. To let myself get lost in the landscapes and to photograph something beautiful to bring back home. But instead I found something much more valuable. I brought back a part of me that I think I’d lost over the years. A sense of adventure and a desire to feel more from my life.
I won’t bore you anymore with my little self epiphany. If anything, this trip was quite significant for me. It was not what I had planned, but it was what I needed. I hope everyone can find that piece of them one day.
“Jobs fill your pocket, adventures fill your soul.”
Thank you for taking the time to stop by.
This newsletter will always be free. Why? Because these days, not everyone can afford a paid subscription and who wants to be nickel and dime’d to death?
But if you do have the means, I can always use a cup of coffee to help me keep writing and creating.
Thank you!
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"I brought back a part of me that I think I’d lost over the years. A sense of adventure and a desire to feel more from my life." ... AND you got a set of great photo's from it - not bad, not bad at all 👍
I love that sand dunes shot! SDNP is pretty spectacular 😍